Think holistically
Strategy & Organization
Do you think about the optimal number of warehouses? Do you ask yourself which logistical tasks each warehouse should perform? Are your logistics costs rising or already beyond budgetary projections? Are you not able to achieve the agreed service level? Are you debating whether individual locations should be outsourced or self-operated?
We can help you answer these critical strategic questions.
Together, we look at your networks and develop strategic concepts for your warehouse locations. For optimal coordination, we take into account your future growth and structural changes as well as the evolution of capacities and costs. We define multisite strategies for you and allocate product ranges and inventories in the best way possible. We harmonize the tasks of the locations and consider specific warehouse functions. In addition, we define the logistical performance requirements of the individual locations and optimize processes and organization on site.
If you are pondering the “make or buy” question, we weigh pros and cons of insourcing and outsourcing alternatives. We examine cost effectiveness of alternative concepts and create business cases for different scenarios.
Our primary objective: To lay the foundation for your successful logistics concept with our strategic and organizational know-how. We do this by taking a comprehensive look at your challenges and help you identify areas of potential. We create competitive advantages for you and set long-term growth courses in motion.
What we can do for you:
- Analyze insourcing or outsourcing
- Develop logistics concepts, including a multisite strategy
- Define location functions in the logistics network
- Design performance-based management
- Establish a logistics performance indicator system
With our logistics concepts, we pave the way for your long-term success.